A Cultural Perspective on Society

Adaptation of new ideas and beliefs, changing a particular state of being to something more aesthetic is a human tendency and it is present in every group, association or in wider terms, society. The history of the civilization of man provides the best illustration in this regard; the course in which man gradually developed from its bestial nature to the standard of higher life of a civilized society through the successive amelioration and the transmitted knowledge of the forefathers. But within this saga underlies certain facets that contributed to the development of man in a true sense, humane. It helped in giving a new outlook as well as a shine to the society. The constant search for something higher within man has led to the evolution of culture. The idea of cultivation inherent in the word culture has again led to the pursuit of refinement and perfection of all human endeavours, physical, mental and societal. Culture with its various means is one such important component that has always enabled to place human society as an idol of wisdom, and further extend towards a great civilization.

The concept of culture idealizes a kind of behavior peculiar to the Homo Sapiens, together with ‘material objects used as an integral part of this behavior’.Usually, the whole of culture ranges from a part to a whole; it ranges from customs to religion, from beliefs and ideas to varied works of art or from language to various institutions and ceremonies and so on. But the existence and use of a culture depends upon an ability possessed by man alone. There has been much debate and studies at various levels on ‘Culture’ and various aspects embraced by the word and also to make it more comprehensive and definable. A classic approach was forwarded in this regard by the 19th century English anthropologist Edward Burnett Taylor in the first paragraph of his Primitive Culture (1871).
“Culture ….is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society.”
Further, there are analyses that highlight ‘culture’ as a trend ranging from ‘learned behaviour’to ‘ideas in the mind’, ‘logical construct’, ‘a statistical fiction’, ‘a psychic defense mechanism’ and so on.

Generalizing all these views, we can assume the whole of the concept as the idea that helps man to nurture himself and develop individually as a true member of a society. And society being a composite of individuals, in the manner can advance only with this kind of cultural evolution. Thomas Hobbes described primeval man as living in conditions in which there are “no arts, no letters, no society” and his life as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”, he was very much proclaiming a popular conception of the “savage”. Things paved towards goodness and civilized as a consequence of slow development from this lowly state. Even rationalistic philosophers like Voltaire implicitly assumed that enlightenment gradually resulted in the upward progress of humankind that further contributed in nurturing up a fine society with its perfect members.

Culture in various parts of the globe or among the various ethnic social has maintained continuity since its existence through some medium. For, a particular art is transmitted socially rather than by biological inheritance. This often reminds me about the art of dance which has through the centuries, been always successful as a medium of communication, interaction, transmission in various dimensions. For instance, ideas, beliefs, customs, behavioral pattern, teachings and so on to the generation next. But what is dance? Usually, there are two expressions in this regard, that reveal the essence of this art. First, dance is not mere body movement in a rhythmic way, but it is also a source of channelizing the various movements of mind. It is a powerful impulse of the mind and the soul that releases energy apart from sharing one’s emotion and ideas. On the otherhand the art of dance is also that impulse which is channeled by skillful performers into something that becomes intensely expressive and that may delight spectators who are not even trained in this field. It involves unification of body, mind, and soul that successively attracts the observer towards its magnanimity. These two concepts are the two most important connecting ideas running through any consideration of the subject which are stronger than in some other arts and can neither exist without the other.

In the realm of Indian Dance, the history is replete with the events in which dance as a means of culture triumphed in playing a major role in the social life of man. We won’t travel far in this respect, as the Vaishnava tradition in Assam provides a fine evidence in establishing the art of dance as a medium of uniting people of various sects and thereby leaving a great impact on the socio-cultural aspect of the Assamese society. Assam, during the 15th and 16th century faced a tremendous hardship in the socio-religious matters that evolved immense chaos conflict and regional disparities amongst the people. Srimanta Sankaradeva (1449-1568) who was a poet and a playwright, dancer and musician, a composer and a choreographer, a social reformer with his principal apostle Sri Sri Madhavadeva brought about the Bhakti Movement in the 15th and 16th centuries which ushered in an all pervading cultural resurgence. The great saints integrated religion and pursuit of arts and thus made the ideal of Bhakti pursued through music, dance and all other arts, both plastic and performing as a medium to propagate the message of unity, morality, ethics, etc and thus doing away the chaos and conflict, disparity and disharmony prevailing amongst various social and ethnic groups. They composed various works based on the great epics and puranas. The Kirtan-Ghosa and the Nam-Ghosa are the magnum opuses of these two great saints. These were transmitted to different section of people through the medium of dance and music. As a result, people, irrespective of their caste and creed joined in this movement and were integrated to the creed of Bhakti. This whole tradition of dance and music that has been lighted up centuries ago is still alive, through the gradual transmission of this art to the later generations. Sattras, the social, religious and cultural institutions developed by the saints for the preservation of this art as well as the religious learning of the Bhakti Movement, is still performing their rituals and rites. They are practising the dance and music that prevailed centuries ago and are teaching to their followers. Thus it is a continuing tradition making stupendous impact in the entire socio-cultural scenario.

Not only this, there are also several other such examples prevalent in different regions of India that has created legend through this medium of art.Orissa’s Gotipua and Mahari, Kerala’s Kootiyattam etc are some of the examples relevant in this context. Indeed, the entire cult of dance itself is a fascinating mark of the greatness of Indian Culture --that is always held with great respect and admiration in international discourse.

Apart from these facets, my contention towards the whole approach of dance is that it enables mankind to experience a spiritual journey and further purification of mind and body. It leads us to a different world far from the mundane affairs, to a world of bliss, deep entertainment and immense delight. It helps us to explore and nurture ourself as a matured individual, and in the manner generate a healthy society--a society in which individuals are groomed to develop creative thinking and forward a new outlook to the world exterminating all kinds of social evils. Also dance helps in finding one’s own identity amongst the whole and thereby prove its existence. In another words, it encompasses all the arts and transcends to a more sophisticated notion of that intangible creativity of man which gives him a unique dignity for determining and shaping the quality of life, inward and outward .Finally, as an element of culture, it succeeds in highlighting the ‘value’ and ‘essence’ of a well developed civilization.


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