· “….spontaneous portrayal of tradition….”
The ‘Amar Asom’, Guwahati
· “….scintillating presentation with chiseled body movements and rare sense of rhythm and space….”
The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
· “….with her rich and sculpturesque footwork, Anwesa widened the vast possibilities of Sattriya Dance in terms of talasrayi and abhinaya compositions….”
The Telegraph
· “….a rare moment of joyful experience….”
The ‘Goriyosi’
· “….with her light footed grace, animated face and eyes Anwesa Mahanta made a lively dancer….”
The Hindu
· “….Anwesa rendered the passage from Rukmini Haran with unsurpassed intensity of inner involvement….”
The Hindu
· “….An accomplished dancer, her excellent abhinaya and controlled nritya made her recital very special, particularly for one who was not yet twenty….There is clarity in her movement which is well-defined, stylized and elegant. There is sophistry not only in her nritta but also in her abhinaya. If she continues to dedicate herself and is nurtured properly and guided to delve within to invoke sattvikabhinaya, she is sure to mature into an exceptional exponent of Sattriya Dance….”
Nartanam, Vol. III, No. 4

· “Nimble footworks captivate the audience…..”
The Telegraph

· “…Anwesa’s impressive expressions coupled with her intricate body movements could effortlessly take the viewers to an altogether different world. She could depict with equal ease and skill the exquisite feminine charm while in the role of a female and also the masculine vigour while playing the male roles….”
The Assam Tribune

· “Enthralling performance...”
The New Indian Express

· “..Anwesa enthralls Delhi audience with her stellar performance..”
The Sentinel
· “Air borne…”
Deccan Herald
· “Up in the air”
The Times of India
· “Anwesa Mahanta with her fine Abhinaya and controlled movements did exceptionally well….”
Nartanam, Volume 8, No.3

· In Anwesa, one discovered all the attributes that goes into the making of a great dancer – talent, passion for perfection, and the joy of dancing with internalization of character.
Nartanam, Vol. III, No. 4
· “Dancing to glory….”
The Telegraph
· “…The find of the festival was, however, Guwahati-based Sattriya dancer Anwesa Mohanta. One rarely comes across such a dancer for whom dance does not mean merely a drill but an act of devotion and passion…”
The Hindu


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